Volunteer Form, Background Checks, SAFETY CertificationAll prospective managers & coaches in FTLL MUST meet the following requirements: I. Register their desire to Manage or Coach using our Online Registration System II. Submit to a background check every 3 years and have a current ID badge ***The recreation department is once again taking photo I.D. badges in person. You “MUST” call the recreation department for an appointment at 732-294-2190. NO WALK-INS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Must wear a mask. III. Must be Rutgers SAFETY certified (one time requirement) IV. Must be CPR/AED Certified (every 2 years) V. Must submit a Little League Volunteer Form (now completed online with mandatory Little League Sex Offender Background Check - link will be sent directly to all volunteers). VI. All managers/coaches must attend the annual manager / coaches meeting. * Please check the FTLL Calendar for upcoming Rutgers & AED/CPR classes and required meetings.
CREDENTIALING DETAILS I. Prospective Managers/Coaches must register Online using the FTLL Online Registration System. All of the required information can be entered during online registration. During the registration process you will also acknowledge the Twp. Code of Conduct & volunteer requirements of the FTLL. Selected Managers/Coaches will be notified when the divisions are set. This is usually in early February.
II. Background Check Process
If you plan to manage, coach, or assist in a way where you work directly with the players, you MUST submit to a background check, which includes being fingerprinted. The background check process must be done every 3 years. Follow these steps to go through the background check process 1. Download the instruction sheet which will provide the required codes you will need when registering online. The application process is online only. There are no more paper forms. Registration requires pre-payment of the fee for the background check - Freehold Township Little League will reimburse you. After completing the process & once approved, submit your receipt to your division director who can assist with reimbursement. 2. Make an appointment with IDEMIA (formerly Morpho Trust USA). Go to http://uenroll.identogo.com/ and follow the instructions to complete the online form & to schedule your appointment. When filling out the information on the site, use the information from sheet in step 1 above for the those specific fields. 3. Once you have been fingerprinted It will take 2=3 weeks for the process to be completed. Only accepted background checks will be returned to the Freehold Township Recreation Department. The FTLL League Secretary will then be notified of those that have passed the background check process. The FTLL League Secretary will in turn notify those that have passed and provide further instructions on how to obtain an ID badge. This badge must be worn at all times during games AND practices. IMPORTANT NOTES on background checks: 1. If we receive an online request for you to manage/coach, it's assumed that you will setup an appointment to be fingerprinted or already have a current ID card that's not older than 3 years. YOU MUST REGISTER ONLINE YOUR DESIRE TO VOLUNTEER OR WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO NOTIFY YOU OF A COMPLETED BACKGROUND CHECK 2. If you fail the background check, you will be notified directly by the Recreation Dept. The Freehold Township Little League will receive notification of those that have failed a background check but will not be provided with the details. All appeals must be directed to the Twp. Rec. Dept. 3. If you've undergone a background check and received an ID card in Freehold Township within the last 2 years then you do not need to go through this process this year. YOU MUST WEAR YOUR ID BADGE DURING ALL GAMES AND PRACTICES - NO EXCEPTIONS III. Rutgers SAFETY certification 1. Please check the FTLL Calendar for upcoming Rutgers SAFETY classes. 2. IMPORTANT: There will be only ONE Rutgers class offering in Freehold Township in the Spring:
MARCH, 2025 - DATE/TIME TBD 3. For information on other upcoming SAFTEY courses, check the FTLL Calendar or go to youthsports.rutgers.edu and click on the "S.A.F.E.T.Y. Clinic Schedule" link 4. If you've taken the Rutgers SAFETY Clinic in the past, then you have met the NJ state standard for partial civil immunity protection and do not need to take it again. If you require a replacement card, please contact Rutgers directly at https://youthsports.rutgers.edu/card-replacement-request/.
a. Log into your FTLL Account b. Click on VOLUNTEER on left menu bar c. Click on FIND VOLUNTEER ROLES top right of screen - green bubble d. Click the sign up button next to RUTGERS SAFETY TRAINING - MARCH, 2025. Click continue e. Follow steps to register for the class - answering all questions f. Look for confirmation email week prior of class IV. CPR/AED Training 1. Please check the FTLL Calendar for upcoming AED/CPR classes 2. Choose a class and email Scott Bonito directly to reserve a spot in class at [email protected] 3. Space is limited at every session and it is on a first come, first serve basis so please sign up ASAP to ensure a spot in the class. 4. All classes are held at the Little League meeting room at MJT Park *
V. Little League Volunteer Form - Sex Offender Background Check All volunteers must consent to completing the online Little League Volunteer form, and passing a mandatory sex offender background check. Information will be sent directly to all volunteers prior to the beginning of the season. VI. Annual Managers Meeting FTLL will be hosting a preseason meeting which is mandatory for all managers. Assistant coaches are encouraged to attend the meeting as well. Uniforms will be distributed at this meeting.
March, 2025 - DATE/TIME TBD. Optional Concussion Training can be obtained at: http://www.cdc.gov/concussion/HeadsUp/online_training.html