Directions to Freehold Twp. LL @ Michael J. Tighe Park
65 Georgia Road, Freehold, NJ 07728
Directions from Route #9:
From North Jersey: Take Route #9-South to Freehold, New Jersey. In Sayreville, traffic from the Garden State Parkway, Exit #123, merges onto Route #9-South. Travel approximately 18 miles further to Elton-Adelphia Road (Route #524) in Freehold Township (this will be a couple of miles past the Freehold Raceway Mall). Turn right onto the exit ramp Jackson Mill Rd./Elton-Adelphia Rd. (the Golden Bell Diner will be on your left after you exit). At the next light - Turn right onto Elton-Adelphia Road and proceed approx. 2 miles to Georgia Rd. Turn left at light onto Georgia Rd. Continue on Georgia Rd. and entrance to the park will be on left immediately after St. Robert’s church – make left into park on Remembrance Way. See field directions below.
From South Jersey: Proceed North on Route #9 to Freehold. After entering Freehold Township, take the Smithburg/Adelphia Exit onto Monmouth County Route #524 (Elton-Adelphia Road). The jughandle exit is just across Rt. 524 on right. Take the jughandle and it will lead onto Elton-Adelphia Road. Cross Route #9 and proceed approx. 2.5 miles to Georgia Rd. Turn left at light onto Georgia Rd. Continue on Georgia Rd. and entrance to the park will be on left right after St. Robert’s church – make left into park on Remembrance Way. See field directions below
Directions from I-287:
From North Jersey: Take I-287-South to Exit #9 - River Road. Turn right toward Highland Park. Proceed 3.5 miles to Route 18 South (Jct. 609). Turn right and proceed 13.5 miles to Freehold Exit (Route #9-South). Follow the directions for Route #9 from North Jersey to complete your trip. Or, take I-287 (south) to the Garden State Parkway-South. Follow the directions for the Parkway From North Jersey.
Directions from the Garden State Parkway:
From North Jersey: Take the Parkway South. After exiting the toll booths just beyond the Driscoll Bridge over the Raritan River, bear right into the Local Lanes. One mile beyond the toll booths take the second exit, Exit #123, onto Route #9-South towards Freehold. Follow the directions for Route #9 from North Jersey to complete your trip.
From South Jersey: Take the Parkway North to Exit #98, to interstate 195-West toward Trenton. Proceed to Exit 28B, and bear right onto Route #9-North. Follow the directions for Route #9 From South Jersey to complete your trip.
Directions from the New Jersey Turnpike:
From South Jersey: Take the Turnpike North to Exit 7A-Freehold, Mt. Holly, Great Adventure. Bear right after the toll booths onto Interstate 195-East, heading toward Lakewood, Shore Points, and the Great Adventure Amusement Park. Take Exit 16B-Freehold. Bear right onto Monmouth County Route #537-East, heading towards Freehold. Go 6 miles to the intersection of Monmouth County Route #524 (Elton-Adelphia Road). At this intersection, Route #524 bears off to the right, just beyond the Holland Ridge housing development, between the development and Johnny B's Dinner. Bear right onto Elton-Adelphia Road (Route #524) and go straight – approx 3 miles to Georgia Rd (traffic light). Turn right onto Georgia Rd. Continue on Georgia Rd. and entrance to the park will be on left right after St. Robert’s church – make left into park on Remembrance Way. See field directions below.
From North Jersey: Take the Turnpike South to Exit 11 - Garden State Parkway. Bear left after the toll to enter the Parkway-South. After exiting the Raritan Tolls, just beyond the Driscoll Bridge over the Raritan River, bear right into the Local Lanes. One mile beyond the toll booths take the second exit, Exit #123, onto Route 9-South. Follow the directions for Route #9 from North Jersey to complete your trip.
Directions from Route #33 (Western New Jersey):
Take Route #33-East. Approximately 10 miles outside of Hightstown, follow the signs for Route #33 East, Route 537, and Asbury Park. Take the Smithburg Exit (Route #537-West) this will leave you on Wemrock Rd. Proceed to and through the second traffic light (Route #537) and continue straight on Stillwells Corner Road for 1.7 miles. You will pass the Freehold Township Municipal complex. At the end - turn left onto Elton-Adelphia Road. Proceed to next light – Turn right onto Georgia Rd. Continue on Georgia Rd. and entrance to the park will be on left right after St. Robert’s church – make left into park on Remembrance Way. See field directions below.
Field Directions at Michael J. Tighe Park: Click Here for Map of Fields
Follow the main road in the park (Remembrance Way – note speed limit of 15 MPH) to fields. All fields for the FTLL are beyond the first 2 parking lots, basketball courts and stage (on your left):
- - Field #3 – Jr. & Sr. Division – park in lot #3 by tennis courts – field is ahead on left. This is the alternate tournament field for Jr. & Sr. Divisions
- - Fields 4 - 11 are located beyond field #3 over the wooden bridge as noted below. Parking is available in lots located near these fields:
- Fields #4 & 5: BB 60' bases. Field #4 is the first field on the left followed by field #5.
Field #5 is the primary LL tournament field & #4 is the alternate LL tournament field.
- Field #6: BB & SB 60' bases & Intermediate - located on left behind field #4
- Field #7: Junior & Senior field (90' bases) - used for tournaments & the Jr. League Eastern Regional Tournament - on left behind field #5
- Field #8: Girl's softball - located next to field #7
- Field #9: BB & SB 60' bases - the last field on the left next to field #8
- Field #10: BB & SB 60' bases - on right next to old snack bar & batting cages
- Field #11: Primary Intermediate field & BB 60' bases - first field on right
- Batting cages – follow Remembrance Way past field #3 and over wooden bridge. There are 2 sets of cages:
4 cages between fields 6 & 7
2 cases between the old snack bar & field #10 on right.
Police will ticket cars that are parked illegally!